Kucai's Kitchen

About the Vendor

Kucai's Kitchen

In October 2018, Rosemarie Saluta and her family started cooking dishes for her niece to take to work. Soon, they began getting orders for party trays, which led to the creation of Kucai's Kitchen, known for their laing and pudding.

By December, a customer asked if they could bottle their laing as a Christmas gift. This request inspired Rosemarie to learn how to bottle laing, and that's how their popular bottled laing product began.

National Heroes DayProducts found: 1

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Iskaparate celebrates National Heroes’ Day by proudly showcasing traditional Filipino flavors and handicrafts that reflect our culture and heritage. This reminds everyone of the rich history of the country and the raw talent Filipinos have in creating something new that we can be proud of as fellowmen.

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